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Psychotropic Medicines : What a Doctor Should Know?

Mid September to Mid December 2020


Mental and behavioral disorders account for a large proportion of the global burden of disease, but only a minority of those suffering from such disorders receive basic treatment. Relatively few people with mental disorders consult a physician. In developing countries, health systems often are not able to provide even the most essential mental care. (WHO). In the World Health Report 2001 (WHO, 2001a), a series of recommendations were made on how to improve care for people with mental disorders. The recommendations include improving access to a limited selection of “essential psychotropic medicines”.

These are medicines that satisfy the priority mental health care needs of a population . Appropriate use of medicines requires that people receive medications appropriate to their needs, in doses that meet their individual requirements, for an adequate period of time, and at the lowest possible cost to them and their community. Inappropriate treatment may lead to unnecessary suffering and death, iatrogenic disease and hospital admissions. Inappropriate use may also lead to wastage of resources. There are large variations in prescribing psychotropic medicines among countries and health systems in the world. 

Hence this training course will try to bridge the gap between knowledge of basic medications and its judicious use for common psychiatric or mental health conditions.


At the end of the courses, learners will be able to:

  1. To prescribe/ practice commonly used psychotropics in proper doses as per the common psychiatric diagnosis. 
  2. To recognize side effects, contraindications and various important drug interactions of these medications.
  3. To identify and manage side effects a patient has due to prescribed medications and if needed take expert advice



Please click the below link to see the Curriculum and Details of Psychotropics for Doctors : What a Doctor Should Know?

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