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Certificate course on Basics of Addiction Management for Counselors and Nurses


Substance use disorders (SUDs/Addiction) (alcohol and other drug misuse) account for 5.4% of the world annual disease burden.  While tobacco and alcohol have been the major legal substances of abuse in India, there has been a rapid and substantial increase in the use of marijuana, newer drugs of abuse (methamphetamine, LSD) and pharmaceuticals.

As per WHO, Psychoactive drug  is any chemical substance when taken into the body alters its function Physically and Psychologically. They influence Mood, Thoughts (cognition) and behavior. 

Adolescents are experimenting with drugs much earlier, placing them at a higher risk for addiction and related harm. Substance use has a substantial impact on not only on the user’s physical and mental health, but also has devastating consequences for the family and society at large. The growing problem of addictions (alcohol, drugs and behavioral health issues like gambling and internet addiction) on the one hand and lack of trained service providers on the other has led to a huge “treatment gap”. There is an urgent need to bridge this treatment gap in this specialized area of public health importance.


At the end of the courses, learners will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge about the fundamentals of Addiction and its features.
  2. Identify, screen and provide intervention for Alcohol Use Disorders using AUDIT to  differentiate between Harmful Use and Dependence. Also identify alcohol withdrawal symptoms
  3. Recognize the stage of change and motivate accordingly.
  4. Design an Integrated (Pharmacological and Psychosocial) nursing care plan for real   life practice for Alcohol Use Disorder.


Please click the below link to see the Curriculum and Details of Basics of Addiction Management Counselor & Nurses 2020

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